Tribit QuietPlus Active Noise Cancelling Headphones
Keeping the Noise Away Tribit, always surprising the customers over the world with its wireless sound equipment solutions, presents the noise-canceling headphones as well. The main feature of Tribit QuietPlus active noise-canceling headphones is the exclusive Hybrid Noise Cancellation Technology. It consists of the dual surface microphones - feed-back and feed-forward - which can reduce surrounding noise. Only true and clear sound wherever you are: in your office, during the walk, at home, or on the train. In the Depth of Music With the technology of true High Fidelity sound, Tribit Active Noise-Cancelling headphones present the beauty of music at its best, carefully delivering the voice of each musical instrument and eliminating non-linear distortions. The deep bass adds to the full and balanced stereo sound. Tribit wireless noise-canceling headphones present the quality of concert hall performance for you alone, even in the busiest surroundings. At Ease ...